Primus Saver

Primus Saver

Primus Saver is provider of home phone and broadband services. Good, honest, value-for-money products which include the UKs cheapest line rental deal, high speed 24Mb broadband, prepaid line rental, new line installations and eco friendly home phone services.

Summary of Offers at Primus Saver

Online Cashback at Primus Saver

Earn Up to £15 with online purchases! Earn Cashback

Get the following cashback: £15 for home and phone broadband pay monthly, home phone pay monthly, £7.50 for home phone prepay, phone & broadband prepay and home phone & broadband special. Please note: cashback will not be paid when you use discount codes.

Deal of the Week

-   Great deals...   Up to £32.50 Cashback

Sky's WiFi 6 is here with a smarter, safer connection. Full Fibre broadband deals for your full house £27 a month. Price may change during 18 month contract.

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